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Deprecated: Non-static method Qyom_View_Smarty_Precompiler::_filterAccess() should not be called statically in /home/hareva5/lib/Qyom/View/Smarty/Precompiler.php on line 30
Deprecated: Non-static method Qyom_View_Smarty_Precompiler::getTextsInCurrentLanguage() should not be called statically in /home/hareva5/lib/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1283
Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/hareva5/lib/Qyom/View/Smarty/Precompiler.php on line 17
Warning: Declaration of Model_Base2::insert($arr_data) should be compatible with Model_Base::insert($arr_data, $arr_ex = Array, $htmlentities = true) in /home/hareva5/application/lib/Model/Base2.php on line 43
Warning: Declaration of Model_Base2::update($arr_data, $where) should be compatible with Model_Base::update($arr_data, $where, $arr_ex = Array, $htmlentities = true) in /home/hareva5/application/lib/Model/Base2.php on line 43
Warning: Declaration of Model_Base2::updateByPk($arr_data, $pk) should be compatible with Model_Base::updateByPk($arr_data, $pk, $arr_ex = Array, $htmlentities = true) in /home/hareva5/application/lib/Model/Base2.php on line 43
Warning: Declaration of Picture::insert($arr_data) should be compatible with Model_Base::insert($arr_data, $arr_ex = Array, $htmlentities = true) in /home/hareva5/application/lib/Model/Picture.php on line 212